
Mila and Pheebs subscription box for children

Hello! I've been AWOL for a while due to my health being rubbish - I found out I had a Vitamin D deficiency last month, so on top of the M.E it's been rough.  However I'm on boosters for it now and it's making a difference so I'm hoping I can start writing a bit more regularly again.

You may remember me posting previously about Mila and Pheebs.  My other post about them is here but we (I mean little Miss!) love them so I wanted to share some of the recent box contents.  For those who don't know, they do kids' craft boxes which can be purchased as a monthly subscription or as a one off box for £9.99 including postage.

There are always colouring sheets, a wordsearch, stickers, an iwako eraser, embossed cards and envelopes and a themed paperclip in each box along with various other stuff.

The theme for the September box was Carnival and my little Miss was really excited about getting it. It certainly didn't disappoint.

As well as doing all the activities and the craft kits, she also made some extra stuff utilising and taking inspiration from the things in the box.  She decided to make an actual carnival for her tooth fairy as she lost another tooth around the time of the box arriving!

Her imagination astounds me sometimes.  She (I) cut out the unicorns from the page markers and stuck them onto straws which we attached to a paper plate.  We used the remaining part of the plate to make a helter skelter and made popcorn out of yellow tissue paper along with some mini drinks with straws!  It did look pretty cool and the fairy and her friends thorougly enjoyed it. Apparently!

The October box theme was Spooky in time for Halloween and again, she was very happy with what was inside.

It arrived at the start of half term so we spent a fair bit of time doing/making things and really enjoyed it.  It's amazing how much time can be spent crafting and I really love seeing children be creative.  Obviously us spending quality time together is my favourite part of it!

The fact the boxes are packed full of stuff, yet still fit through the letterbox, is brilliant.  With all the subscription boxes on the market, having one especially for kids is such a good idea.  They make perfect gifts too if you want to buy a one off box.  You can subscribe via  this link.

Alexis at Mila and Pheebs is lovely and my little Miss made her a card using stuff from the boxes.  The colour changing pens were definitely a big hit!!

Let me know if you decide to get a box or if you have any questions feel free to ask.


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